Regina Villányi-Kollár Talking colour

As an inspiration to my ‘Intro to’ project I chose an artifact which illustrates a shaman who hold a head in his hands. When I was in Peru a few years ago, I bought this artifact which was made from clay and I started to observe it at home while I was in quarantine. I started to think about shaman culture and spirituality in Peru, so I created faces and characters which I can associate with shamans. I worked with different techniques and textures; I experimented with acrylic spray and paint on canvas and body paint on paper. I tried to paint with henna as well. It was interesting to see how these textures relate to each other.

I associate this artisan artifact with nature. I mainly used earthy colors to my drawings, for instance different shades of earthy green and brown. I used gold colored paint as well to illustrate details of women’s jewelleries in Peru.

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