Helen Moffatt Way of Seeing and Talking Pattern

***It won’t let me upload one of my images***

I found Way of Seeing and Talking Pattern easier than Talking Colour. I think this is because I am further into the project and more confident. I also love playing around with lines and shapes regardless of colour, so it was more in my comfort zone! My favourite drawing from this task, and the one I can see the most potential in for design, is one of a building reflected in a grid of windows. I didn’t draw the window frames, and I only used thin black outlines to show what I could see on the glass, making the distorted reflections really abstract. After this, I shrunk the image (it was an A3 drawing, and after shrinking it fit 32 times onto A3) in photoshop then repeated it and re-drew it (traced the shrunk scan) over another drawing. Because of how tiny the scale is compared to the original, the shape that attention is drawn to changes from being the individual lines to being the whole section of what is repeated.

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