Abigail Priolo – Ways of Seeing / Talking Pattern

For this task I looked at a range of objects, including fruits, plants and places and I tried to draw things in a different way than I did for task 1, I found objects like the grapefruit and the pepper really interesting to look at and to draw, I like the different textures inside like the reflectiveness of the grapefruit in the light and the clusters of seeds in the pepper. I really like how things around me have natural patterns within them and that’s why I find them so interesting to work with, I focused on drawing things for more of a textile focus, picking out shapes and colours playing with collage and zooming in to see better details. I enjoyed this task and the way it allowed me to draw for more of a pattern and textiles purpose and I feel this will help me develop drawings for the course in the future as well as developing my print designs.

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