This week I had the task called ‘ way of seeing and talking pattern’. It let me to create drawings that in different views or details as well as combine with the first task pattern to get new patterns. For this, I drew with leaves, woods, boiled water and also did 3D work.

From this lesson, I was delight that I learned how to get new patterns. This was a good way to develop projects, like when the two patterns were combined, unexpected results would be obtained. At the same time, I also learned to observe a thing in different ways. In this process, I felt it quite reliable. However, I thought I need to break through the way of painting when observed the details of things then transformed into patterns.

For the future development, I will observe the things in more detail, and observe things more broadly. In addition, for this lesson, I will do more exercises on pattern combination also use different methods as well as colors.

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