Rose Wheeler – Ways of Seeing / Talking Pattern

Oil pastel – close up of my desk.
Photoshop – halloween in layers.
Oil pastel and photo collage – birthday cake, edited.
Colouring pencils and oil pastel edited in photoshop – fabric tubes from Tesco exaggerated.
Oil pastel edited in photoshop – monogram socks.
Photoshop – halloween in layers pink/red/black.
Colouring pencil and photo collage edited in photoshop – text from tobacco pouch.
Oil pastel drawings edited in photoshop – candle stripes.
Oil pastel edited on photoshop – picnic feet layered.
Photoshop – halloween in layers pink/red.
Pencil and photoshop – close up of shapes found in first task drawing.

For this task I used my drawings from ‘Talking Colours’ to help me create and develop patterns, I focused in on areas that I thought had interesting shapes or line movement and separated them out using Photoshop. I do like my outcomes from this task but I feel I could of taken my drawings further, and chosen to do more work that wasn’t digital. Although I never usually use a computer to create work, and so this task was definitely beneficial to my drawing as I now have some knowledge and experience of using Photoshop. I like the colour palette I was working with; I know I could have taken myself out of my comfort zone and gone further with my colour choices but as I was focusing more on pattern I felt I had more freedom with colour to pick shades I wanted, compared to the first task where I concentrated on narrating the colour in more detail. The task ‘Ways of Seeing/Talking Pattern’ helped me to look at the drawings I had already made in a new and different way, I saw the second task as a continuation and development of what I had already produced. I think I could have challenged myself more by drawing from new subject matter or drawing the same items as before but in new styles such as blind and continuous line drawing, this way I could have got a more diverse range of mark making.

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