Ways of seeing

For the ways of seeing, I was more focused on observing the pattern in nature, and on top of that, I tried to draw those patterns in my own styles. I really enjoy experimenting with different media and try different combinations. For example, I combined watercolor, acrylic, and color marker for one massive line drawing. I made that drawing while I was eating a tangerine. Tangerine is one of my favorite fruits and I want to capture and visualize how it tastes. The reason why there are so many massive lines is that not all the tangerines taste sweet, some of them taste really sour, and I made those massive lines whenever I eat a sour tangerine. However, I do think I can explore more different techniques and tools to create patterns. Maybe like using paper, cards, and folks to do mark making or I can just draw with those tools. I think it might create some interesting textures and shapes.

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