Yan Luo: Ways of Seeing / Talking Pattern

In task 2, all my 10 drawings inspiration comes from various of the door, when I did research I feel very enjoyable. They have different decorated doors. Sometimes they are shabby, but this kind of shabby give me a kind of visual enjoyable. In particular, I like one of drawing that there are a lot of bright colours, it’s very dynamic. Meanwhile, combined with the experience of task 1,I used many different painting tools and mixed media in this task. In order to show different materials, like the feeling of shabby, I used coloured tapes. These tapes can make the painting look more 3D, and at the same time, I also take many elements of my drawing, and pick some details to development.
When researching different doors, I also noticed some old people sitting in front of the door, then I tried to drawing with colour pen, I imagined that they might drink tea or coffee in front of their door.

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