Yaru Zhang–way of seeing

Use the hook line pen and the marker pen to draw the cracks

a hook line pen to draw the paper ball with detailed observation

pencil to draw a view of the park using Collage paper as background

An abstract design was made with a detail of a crack

Use a marker to draw the lotus with the technique of wave dots

gouache and marker to express the slanting night view of the city in mid-air

Using a pencil, observe the foam at the water’s edge

Using brush and rice paper to draw mountains

Part of the scene in the mirror using watercolor

Use markers to paint the lotus seedpod with the technique of black and white decorative painting, then collage

Use brush, dry painting method, and use zoom- in observation method to draw mountains

Wet the rice paper with shower gel, imitating the fault texture of the mountain with a brush

cover a piece of paper, and use graffiti and then print onto the paper to show the texture of the wall

The main purpose of this task is to explore and develop pattern design through different observation perspectives. I observed different angles of the mountain by zooming in and out. Tried to draw an angle of the mountain, the cracks, the shape of the water on the beach, the angle of overlooking the city, paper balls, etc.  Through the texture I saw, the shape was drawn into patterns.

In this process, the observation mode has brought me many surprises, different angles have allowed me to re-recognize some objects. The magnified observation method worked very well. But choosing a certain part of an object was still very challenging for me. Didn’t know how to choose.

I could also print some photos and collage them into patterns in the future. I need to maintain a more open mindset to observe things around me to continue the future experiment. Learn to describe and simplify the details of different objects will be useful for my future development.And I will try to simplify the patterns I get, and then try to create new patterns.

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