MingYang Zhang; Talking Colors

I have been focusing on marine fishing for a long time. Generally speaking, I am not against people’s fishing of marine life, but in modern times, some countries on the earth still retain the custom of killing dolphins for pleasure. Many adult men hunt a dolphin in order to complete their coming-of-age ceremony, not for fullness or whatever, just to satisfy their own pleasure and racial customs, thus taking the lives of many dolphins. Even large areas of sea water are dyed bright red.

I extracted the blue of the ocean and the dolphins and the red of the blood-stained sea from a lot of research, and combined a large amount of red and blue and made some abstract effects, trying to express my sense of meaningless fishing in the ocean.I am trying to express my desire to protect marine animals and express my contempt for those who take pleasure in killing animals.

I used a lot of old-fashioned effects in my creation, and wanted to make a feeling similar to a relic to warn future generations about wanton fishing.I would like to make a kind of mural or trace like feeling.

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