Through The Window

Every morning when I wake up I open the blinds and see my view. Two tall buildings overlapping each other from my perspective. The tallest building is currently halfway under construction. This block is mostly scaffolding so I thought I could portray the view I see in different styles and compositions. The difference in colours I use represents the mood I feel when I wake up. The pinks and bright palette show that it’s a sunny day and the mood is good. I used an abstract style for the playful and cheerful feeling to stand out.

Although through the eyes, the view remains the same, emotions within the mind can distort this vision and I tried showing this on paper. For the opposite feelings; sadness, boredom and isolation on a gloomy day, I used black and grey. The messy scribble technique is used to highlight feelings of detachment and blur. To add texture I used materials such as oil pastel.

Throughout drawing the building blocks opposite me I have learned that no matter what subject is placed in front of you, there is always something to observe and appreciate, it might be small but there are unlimited ways to interpret things that can be turned into art. To improve I would maybe try working on different coloured paper and experimenting on tissue paper.

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