Peer feedback: Caitlin Reed

I loved looking through your works, I really liked the chunky, street-style character they have even within describing natural objects as within the pepper or the river. I think you have a very specific and distinctive style that runs throughout your experimental works that vary from collage to descriptive and realistic drawing or painting. I’m also a great fan of the way you manage to abstract urban views to create interesting patterns and vary the natural and lifelike scenes to create a different way of perceiving reality and the world around us. I found the way you mixed up and combined various techniques and subjects very interesting as within finding a connection between banana skins and the study of the bridge in your “talking pattern” task.

I also think that you should definitely combine the human studies from the “talking colour” task, that were drawn with an outstanding technique, to the more non-pictorial subjects of the second task to create a bond within the two, especially within the line drawings, that I personally find very similar in a certain way to your urban views. This could create a broader range of subject matter and bolder compositions that could give more to your textile production. I also think you should experiment more with the oversaturated colour palettes you have sometimes used and try to bring your drawing to 3D works to analyze subjects from a different point of view. 

I overall admire your designs and the variation within techniques and abstract or more material topics in your pieces, all with very engaging lines and colors.

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