Peer feedback for Giacomo

I really enjoyed looking through both of your tasks. The leaves, pebbles, walnuts, landscapes and fish painting shows you have sourced inspiration from a wide variety of nature. The blue and grey textured piece from enlarged stones is so interesting and has a lot of depth and it’s very realistic just like a photograph! You have portrayed texture really evidently throughout your work. My favorite piece is the kiwi fruit. The dark background looks amazing against the bright green and the fruits bounce off the page catching my attention.  The autumn leaves are fantastic as I can see that they look crunchy and three-dimensional and the use of collaging in your drawings is great. In your talking pattern task, The abstract style of your models are very interesting and adds a new perspective of autumn that I hadn’t thought of before. The colored silk poking out from the twigs is really original and I can see that being developed into a new series of print and sculpture ideas. As well as the abstract stone, the print is unique and matches the irregular shape of the rock which ties in with that abstract feeling.

To develop your work further, I would suggest drawing the kiwi fruit in different colours like yellow or pink and adding a layer of paint texture and also experiment with the fish paintings by maybe giving them a ‘scales’ or ’seaweed’ textured background like you did with the autumn leaves.

Overall, you have experimented with a broad range of mediums and that is something you can continue doing in future projects.

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