Talking Colours & Patterns

TC= talking colour TP= talking pattern


Talking Colours: I found it hard to captured colour palettes/schemes in my daily life. It’s because usually only very pop colours will catch my attention and make me feel like I need to capture this. In daily object around me, few colours(scheme) that really amaze me. Usually, only earthy colours appeared in my daily object, whilst special colour combinations can’t be easily found. And due to the quarantine, i missed the chance to go to flower markets and fairs which special colour schemes will more likely to appear in these places. I found that most of the colours palettes I capture using the Pantone app are usually artificial stuff. For example, artworks, posters, cloths, and some of that has to be touch upped so that it feels like a polished colour palettes, which colours in the palettes are compliment each other, and feel like they are the perfect match. And colour palettes I got from photographies are usually been edited/filtered to make it feels like that. So I think it’s kind of difficult to be very sensitive to colour combinations in surroundings when they are not being touch-upped and still in the ‘half-perfect’ stage. Besides, colour always influence by lighting of the atmosphere. In my opinion, colours under rainy or cloudy days is not as stunning as in the sunny days and brighter atmosphere can bring out more colours.

Talking Patterns: I really enjoyed doing these way of seeing tasks because I really enjoy observing pattern hidden in our daily object. I have this habit of capturing patterns and colours with camera into my phone before this task , but I will never take it out and put it into further development. Another reason of that is I’m just too lazy to draw, so i just take a picture. So this unit is offering me a great opportunity to push me into making these observation into actual art/pattern that can be used in future print design. I think it’s really easy to find them in daily object. The most common method I used is to look closer. I got interesting pattern almost every time i look closer to an object. But when that’s a common approach, I think I might miss the patterns that appear when looking from far away. Which I think I should do more of a looking from far away drawing next time. And to go even further on close observation, I would like to observe object with microscope if I have the opportunity to do so. Overall, I think I can do better if i did further development to the finished drawings , for example making them into repeated pattern. Also I should try more liquid media, like acrylic or water colour. I’m just staying in my comfort zone of using hard pen/tips to draw because they are easier to control. Also i should try to capture moving object next time, since they are moving all the time so it might be interesting to see what I can get when an object is changing its form every second.

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  1. Pippa Newport: I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at your work; you are really skilled at drawing! You have experimented with a wide…