Anne-Sophie Labossiere: Talking Colors

I collected images for the following drawings throughout my walk to Roundwood Park. The walk featured very intricate older architecture as well as beautiful natural scenes. The softness of the color I saw throughout my journey inspired me to stray away from using as much black pigment in my art. This allowed me to expirement a lot more with lighter colors and watercolors. I found that the natural foliage scenes, due to the cloudy day’s murky color tint, was best captured by watercolor. Water color is a medium that I have not explored thoroughly, therefore, this served as a perfect opportunity to try techniques such as: Dry, Water color on wet, and color blending between two wet colors. During the process of creating these drawings I also learned to not be afraid to layer more. The new ways of using the watercolor medium opened up my mind to novel ways of painting in general.

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