Anne-Sophie Labossiere: Ways of Seeing

To complete the task assigned about the different ways of seeing, I went on a trip to the British museums well as a park nearby my house. In these places I was able to focus in on both architecture and natural scenes. In the museum I chose to draw the marble on the wall from different distances as well as the interesting shadows I spotted throughout the museum hallway. From the parks I chose to focus on a bench area I found surrounded by roses and a plant that appeared to be growing a cranberry-like fruit on its branches. It was interesting how I noticed different details in the image I was painting as I moved closer. Despite redrawing the same subject so many diverse outcomes were possible. While mixing distinct elements to create pattern I realized that the soft shapes of the garden juxtaposed well with the sharp lines in architecture. The experimentation I conducted for this task helps me have a wider range of ideas to choose from and It helps with the mental process behind my drawings.

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